70x7 DVD Series

70x7 DVD Series

Price: $63.99


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Finding Peace By Forgiving Others... And Yourself!

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This introductory offer is valid through September 30th.

Something happened. It might have been yesterday. It might have been years ago. But it hurt. And it changed you. And unless you forgive those who wronged you, the heart wound will become infected and spread. Eventually, you can become a prisoner of your own wounded heart. 

If the story ended here, you would be hurt beyond healing. But the Good News is, it is not finished.

In his creative, story-driven, highly motivating style, Bruce reveals from the words of Jesus Christ how you can find the freedom and peace your heart longs for.

Discover forgiveness that is for real and forever.

Course Promo Video


Course Overview



When You Order The DVD Set, You Will Receive:

  • 3 DVDs fully mastered with 8 teaching sessions plus 1 DVD-ROM with customizable Promotional Items.
  • Promo Items include a Video Promo, Bulletin Insert, Customizable Ad, Flyer and Posters, Repro Graphics, and PowerPoint Promo Slides,


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Bruce Wilkinson & Teach Every Nation

There's a spiritual race for the hearts of the world. Teach Every Nation (TEN) exists to grow Christianity in every nation as quickly and effectively as possible. We sell products to empower leaders to impact their community. Each purchase helps us provide training where the need is most urgent.